LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Just in time for his birthday, Sunny D, the Louisville Zoo’s red panda, is back on exhibit but in a renovated space.

What You Need To Know

  • Sundara, the Louisville Zoo's red panda, is back on exhibit

  • The animal has a new living space next to the sloths

  • The larger enclosure will handle more red pandas in case the zoo wants to add them

Sunny D, whose actual name is Sundara, joins the neighborhood where the zoo’s two-toed sloths—Fern, Sunni and Sebastian—call home. Sunny D’s new space has two large outdoor areas and its big enough should the zoo want to add more red pandas in the future, to accommodate growth.

Zoo director, Dan Maloney said, “With this new habitat, the Louisville Zoo continues its commitment to the care and conservation of endangered species like the red panda by not only providing a nurturing environment for Sunny D but also the opportunity for potential offspring.”

According to the zoo, red pandas like to climb and the new space has a series of climbing elements for Sunny D. It structure was specially designed from a large Osage orange tree that was taken out by a storm at Joe Creason Park and was donated to the zoo by Louisville Metro Parks and Recreation. The habitat also features several hollow trees, perfect for panda naps.

The space is filled with bamboo plants for when Sunny D is hungry. It also has large fans and shaded areas to help keep the red panda cool.