BOWLING GREEN, Ky. — Teachers and parents are gearing up for the school year, which means many are preparing both mentally and physically. 

What You Need To Know

  • School starts in Warren County on Aug. 7

  • Teachers, parents and students are getting ready

  • Teachers suggest easing students into what's coming in class. Begin reading books and working on simple math skill;s

  • Now is the time to make sure children are getting physicals, check-ups and immunizations

The start of the new semester is just two weeks away for thousands of students across the commonwealth.

Teacher Maddie Simms is getting ready by preparing her classroom for the best learning environment, putting up books, and making sure everything is ready for students.

Simms said, “We have to put our desks back in order, get the supplies ready for the upcoming school year.”

But for elementary-aged students, it's difficult to get accustomed to the school routine. According to Simms, one way to help them is to ease them back into subjects they will soon be studying.

Simms said, “Start reading, getting back into books, maybe practice those simple math facts.”

She also suggested having kids practice a little independence.

Simms said, “Get them acquainted on how to eat a lunch by themselves, how they can open a milk, how to open snack packages, and things like that.”

Dr. Kelly Kries, a pediatrician for Norton Children’s Hospital, also recommends getting check-ups, especially for certain age groups and for those wanting to compete in sports.

Kries said, “When you’re going into kindergarten, pre-school, and 11-year-olds, all need a specific physical form. Also, if your child is planning on participating in sports, you’ll need a sports physical as well, so go ahead and get those scheduled.”

According to Simms, another vital part of getting ready for the school year is to set a positive tone for children.

Simms said, “I always call it self-talk, of like positive words, like ‘You’re smart, you’re important.’ I always think that’s important when they come to school. It just builds their confidence and makes them feel love and cherished.”

Open house for Warren County is on Wednesday, July 31. The first day of school for Warren County is Wednesday on Aug. 7.