LEXINGTON, Ky. — The Salvation Army has been collecting donations to ensure that children in low-income households get presents under their Christmas tree.

What You Need To Know

  •  The Salvation Army serves the community in several ways. One initiative the organization does is its "Angel Tree Program"

  • Children in low-income households fill out a wish list and angel tree tags are distributed to different entities

  • People donate gifts that are then packed into bags to be given to families

  • Volunteers went to the organization's warehouse on Sunday to finish stuffing bags with gifts. Families will pick up gifts on Monday through Wednesday

The Salvation Army supports the community in several ways, including its annual “Angel Tree Program”. It’s a needs-based program where families can fill out an application. Children then fill out a wish list and their angel tree tags are distributed to businesses, organizations and individuals.

Items are either sent to the organization’s facility or dropped off and that’s when volunteers step in at a warehouse. On Sunday, volunteers gathered there to finish putting gifts into bags and distributing them into the correct rows.

The volunteers put a few gifts into a bag for each child. (Spectrum News 1/Geraldine Torrellas)

“This is one of those projects that takes a village and as a native of Lexington, it really and truly just warms my heart to see the way that this community comes together for five decades now to support this program,” said Kendall Anderson with the Salvation Army in Lexington.

Families will start arriving at 8 a.m. on Monday to start picking up the gifts and this will go on until Wednesday. A Kroger gift card will be included for the family to purchase a holiday meal.

The Salvation Army is still taking $25 gift card donations from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Monday and Tuesday. Those can be dropped off at their main office at 736 W. Main St.