LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Music, food and pinatas filled Logan Street Market.

What You Need To Know

  • Music, food and pinatas filled Logan Street Market 

  •  Organizer Francisco Garcia hosted Las Posada

  • Las Posadas is a religious festival celebrating Mary and Joseph's journey 

  • The celebration is Dec. 16-24

“We organized La Posada so that because we think it’s important to keep the tradition of Christmas celebration happening,” Francisco Garcia said. 

Las Posadas is a religious festival celebrated in Mexico and commemorates the journey Joseph and Mary made from Nazareth to Bethlehem.

Behind a grill, Garcia flips pupusas while he explains the meaning of La Posada.

“Celebrating Christmas at home, yes. Celebrating Christmas at home,” Garcia said.

Garcia is a restaurant owner and has lived in the United States for almost two decades.

“Mexico has its own version but, like Colombia, has its own version. Guatemala has its own version,” Francisco said.

Garcia decided to make a Mexican-American version at Logan Street Market.

“So the way it started was with the students from the community, the community college. They wanted to do La Posada, and we collaborated and we kind of like different in Latin America traditions into this event,” Francisco Garcia said.

Jesus Garcia looked forward to sharing it with his wife, Jenni, and their kids.

“I remember growing up going to Posadas and been very excited about it and going to all the neighborhood and going to different houses to celebrate La Posada in different houses pretty much every day,” Jesus Garcia said. “The way they would do it now here, is that we choose a place where to go, and then we have a big old party all together. So it feels great because it feels like bringing, like memories from back home. But at the same time, I can teach my children about the traditions and also to expand or like overall knowledge of what happens in other places.” 

The Christmas tradition is usually celebrated from Dec. 16 to the 24.

“It’s a really beautiful way to close the year on celebration with food like we do in our country in Latin America, Mexico,” Francisco said.