KENTUCKY — As Halloween draws closer, retail data has unveiled the most popular candies in Kentucky and around the nation.

What You Need To Know

  • Kentucky's, and America's, favorite Halloween candy is Reese's Cups

  • According to the National Retail Federation, Americans are expected to spend a whopping $3.6 billion on Halloween candy this year

  • Over 172 million Americans celebrate Halloween and an estimated 96% of those will purchase candy

The National Retail Federation estimates Americans will spend a whopping $3.6 billion on Halloween candy this year, which is a new all-time high. It’s also a 16% jump from last year. 

So which candies reign supreme? According to, an online bulk candy store, the No. 1 most popular candy in the U.S. is the famous Reese’s Cup. M&M’s and Hot Tamales come in second and third, respectively. 

A look at the most popular Halloween candy in each state. (

In Kentucky, the mighty Reese’s Cup also takes the top spot, followed by Hot Tamales in second and Swedish Fish in third. Our neighboring states have quite different tastes, however. Starbursts took the top spot in Indiana. Blow Pops are the most popular in Ohio and Tootsie Pops are Tennessee’s favorite.

CandyStore uses bulk candy sales to create its annual rankings. 

Overall spending for Halloween is predicted to be over $12.2 billion this year, a 15% increase over last year.

Over 172 million Americans celebrate Halloween, CandyStore estimates, and among those partaking, 96% will purchase candy.

Most Halloween shopping is done in the first two weeks of October, so you shouldn’t wait much longer to stock up for the trick-or-treaters!


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