MANITOWOC COUNTY, Wis. — Katrina Baur and Jesse Vang appeared in Manitowoc County Court Monday afternoon. They each appeared before Judge Robert Dewane.

What You Need To Know

  • According to court documents, Vang called police around 11 a.m. on Feb. 20 to report Vue was missing. He said he had fallen asleep after 8 a.m. that morning. When he woke up — before 11 a.m. — he said Vue was gone

  • Vang told police Vue was staying with him so he could correct — what he described as — bad behaviors. Baur also said this during an interview with police, according to court documents. Baur told police that Vang was a rule enforcer and would teach Vue how to be a man by example

  • Vang said behavior issues included potty training. He said his punishments for Vue included “time outs.” During a “time out” Vue would stand up for periods of up to three hours

  • Baur told police she dropped Vue off with Vang on Feb. 12 and initially denied being in Manitowoc County during the time Vue was with Vang in Two Rivers. However, police obtained cell phone data that appeared to contradict her claim. Baur later said she was in the area on Feb. 16 and 17

They each face allegations of child neglect. Elijah Vue, Baur’s 3-year-old son, has been missing since last Tuesday.

According to court documents, Vang called police around 11 a.m. on Feb. 20 to report Vue was missing. He said he had fallen asleep after 8 a.m. that morning. When he woke up — before 11 a.m. — he said Vue was gone.

Vang told police Vue was staying with him so he could correct — what he described as — bad behaviors. Baur also said this during an interview with police, according to court documents. Baur told police that Vang was a rule enforcer and would teach Vue how to be a man by example.

Vang said behavior issues included potty training. He said his punishments for Vue included “time outs.” During a “time out” Vue would stand up for periods of up to three hours.

Baur told police she dropped Vue off with Vang on Feb. 12 and initially denied being in Manitowoc County during the time Vue was with Vang in Two Rivers. However, police obtained cell phone data that appeared to contradict her claim. Baur later said she was in the area on Feb. 16 and 17.

Baur and Vang are still in Manitowoc County Jail. Vang is on a $20,000 bond. Baur is on a $15,000 bond.

Vue is still missing. Many people — including strangers — attended Monday’s hearings to show their support for him.

“It is in our community, literally out my back door, that this little boy came up missing and we need to know. The best place to be is here. Maybe we will get truth out of here than we will on the internet or the streets. That is why we are here for supporting for Elijah,” Yolanda Godfrey, who attended court Monday to listen to the hearings, said.

(Photos courtesy via Wisconsin DOJ)

Vue is a 3-year-old male with sandy colored hair and brown eyes. Two Rivers Police Department said he “was described as having Hmong and white ethnicity.”

He has a birthmark on his left knee. He is 3-feet-tall and weighs 45 pounds.

Anyone with information is asked to call 911 or 1-844-267-6648. The P3 app can also be used to submit anonymous tips.


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