MADISON, Wis. — Wisconsin's archery and crossbow deer hunting season kicks off this Saturday and runs through Jan. 8, 2023.

According to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, during the 2021 fall season, there were more than 7 million hunter days of effort — about two-thirds of those were crossbow and archery hunters.

For those who aren't crossbow or archery hunters, gun deer season goes from Nov. 19-27.

WDNR released a list of tips for hunters on how to remain safe this hunting season, also known as TABK:

  • Treat every bow/crossbow as if it were loaded
  • Always point the bow/crossbow in a safe direction
  • Be certain of your target as well as what is before and beyond it
  • Keep your finger outside the crossbow trigger guard or archery release until ready to shoot

The WDNR also reminds hunters:

  • Crossbows have a safety — Immediately after cocking, always check to make sure that your bow is on safe
  • Always use bolts/arrows recommended by the manufacturer and handle carefully
  • Protect yourself and the arrow points with a covered arrow quiver
  • The safest way to carry, transport and raise or lower a crossbow from a stand is always to have the crossbow un-cocked
  • The safest way to un-cock a crossbow is to fire a bolt into a safe target
  • Make sure that the limb tips are free of obstructions and that your fingers, hand or arm are not in the string path at any time while the crossbow is cocked
  • Never fire the bow or crossbow without firing an arrow or bolt from it (known as “dry firing”)
  • Know your range for accuracy