MILTON, Ky. — One high schooler in Milton used his tractor skills to ask a classmate to prom. He did this shortly after the tornado that ripped through the town a few weeks ago.

What You Need To Know

  •  Brett Liter is a high school in Milton who grew up on a farm

  •  He took his passion for agriculture to ask a classmate to the prom. A video of the promposal was posted on TikTok and it went viral

  •  Liter's promposal came after the tornado that hit his hometown and he was glad that it spread some joy in the community

Using a tractor to land a prom date wasn’t exactly what 17-year-old Brett Liter trained for. “I just got done plowing that night and I was thinking how I could relate my promposal to agriculture,” said Brett.

People may think it took Brett hours to plow the promposal when looking at it, but it only took him 40 minutes.

He used the creative presentation to ask classmate Mattie Smith to prom. She said yes and posted the promposal on her TikTok, which went viral.

“I couldn’t believe that I went out here and done this one night and it turned out to be all over the country,” said Brett.

This came after the devastating tornado that destroyed dozens of homes and businesses in his hometown. “I just thank the Lord above that people got to see this, and they got a good smile out of it,” said Brett.

Brett is the fourth generation to grow up on his farm. He raises soybeans and cattle with his grandfather, David Liter.

“He’s the worker around here,” said David. “Brett does the work. He’s a good farmer and a good boy. I’m mighty proud of him.”

Brett is Trimble County’s Future Farmers of America president and has won regional and state competitions for tractor driving events, which explains how he completed the promposal so quickly.

His high school prom will be on April 27.