WAYLAND, Ky. — A unique high school basketball matchup took place in eastern Kentucky on the home court of Kentucky’s first Mr. Basketball, "King" Kelly Coleman. The Floyd Cental Jaguars from Eastern, Kentucky, took on the Lyon County Lions from Eddyville.

What You Need To Know

  • Floyd Central hosted Lyon County Dec. 16   

  • The game was played at Wayland Gymnaisum, where Kentucky's first Mr. Basketball "King" Kelly Coleman played 

  • Lyon County point guard Travis Perry broke Coleman's all-time scoring record of 4,337 points this past March 

  • Perry, a four-star recruit, has committed to play for Kentucky next season

Coleman, who played on the former Wayland Wasps team from 1953-56, set the all-time Kentucky High School Athletic Association (KHSAA) record for points scored in a career with 4,337. Lyon County point guard Travis Perry broke that seven decades-long mark this past March, leading to the matchup this past Saturday, Dec. 16.

It might've been a regular season game in mid-December, but Perry said the atmosphere felt like a playoff game with a slew of media in attendance.

“Pressure to me is a privilege," Perry said. "You get to have that spotlight on you; that’s what everybody wants, so just going out there and enjoying the moment and enjoying being out there with the guys." 

Perry and his Lions teammates traveled five hours from Eddyville to Wayland to play in the Wayland Gymnasium. It was where Coleman played his home games in the '50s. Games between a school that far east and west rarely happen unless it's the playoffs.

“It’s kind of neat when you think about it like that, in a completely different part of the state playing against a team you’ll probably never play again," Perry said.

This game was not an average regular season game. The historic venue where Coleman played and home of the Mountain Sports Hall of Fame hosted Kentucky high school basketball's newest scoring king. Perry broke Coleman's record in March during state tournament play at Rupp Arena in Lexington.

“It is cool getting to have this experience, not only for myself but for my teammates and everybody involved in it," Perry said. "It’s really neat to be a part of Kentucky basketball history like this." 

Floyd Central coach Alan Moore said discussions for hosting this game began over the summer. He said its importance meant a lot to him and his team, too.

“I’m glad that he’s getting to come here and play, Travis Perry; I’m tickled for him to come play here," Moore said. "I think he’s respecting the game, respecting 'King' Kelly Coleman." 

Moore said last season, the school hosted a throwback game against Knott Central, but the aura around this season's game could be felt before tipoff.

"We were the Wayland Wasps, and Knott Central was Carr Creek ... it was fun last year, but this year [was] great," Moore said.

Lyon County beat Floyd Central 110-71. Lyon County coach and Travis’ dad, Ryan Perry, said it was an honor for his boys to play in the house Coleman built.

“We were humbled to even be mentioned in the conversation with 'King' Kelly Coleman," Ryan said. "I mean, the lore around that name is just amazing."

For Travis, it was a highlight of his senior season. The scoring king will soon turn his attention to playing for the University of Kentucky (UK) next season, as the four-star recruit will continue his basketball career for the Wildcats.

“It’s Kentucky basketball; it’s a different breed than really anything else you’ll encounter in your life," he said. "Just getting to be a part of that should be really fun.”

Perry said his goal the rest of the season is winning regionals and hopefully a state title.

With a 30-point performance as the game's leading point scorer, the 6-foot-1 point guard left his mark in the Wayland gym.