LOUISVILLE, Ky. — University of Louisville medical students and a Louisville nonprofit have created a journal to inspire others interested in the health and wellness fields.

What You Need To Know

  • The Future Healers Kiddos Medical Program is celebrating its third anniversary with the release of a wellness journal for kids

  • 2X Game Changers, a nonprofit dedicated to promoting early childhood education, runs the program 

  • A University of Louisville medical student said the material is crucial for everyday life even if kids don't pursue a medical career

Fourth-year UofL medical students Orion Rushin and Manting Xu get together once a month with kids in the Future Healers Kiddos Medical Program by 2X Game Changers, a nonprofit dedicated to promoting early childhood education.

“It amazes me because it took us four years to learn the things that we learn," Rushin said. "They learned in a single session ... and I'm like, wow, so excited to see them and what they are going to become. And some of them, I am very confident, will be future doctors.” 

Rushin and Xu saw how much kids were enjoying and retaining the information, inspiring them to create a wellness journal.

“We made this journal for students to have access to all the medical knowledge that they learn (in) our sessions," Xu said. "The biggest thing that we want for them to take away is to know how to learn, be excited about the world around (and) be inquisitive to think about the world in a different way that they might not always think about.”

The workbook-like journal is filled with vibrant pages and activities, with information from how the body works to essential vitamins, fire and firearm safety, along with other helpful wellness tips. Christopher 2X, founder and executive director of 2X Game Changer, said the journal is for kids and their whole family.

“It's exciting where you can even take this journal; the kids can be at home and you (as) a parent can just tell them to go to a page," 2X said. "And the kid can just be kind of amazed (at) what's on that page as it relates to something connected to the health sciences." 

"The founding reason for this program was to try to at least get the kids who were facing secondary trauma due to unspeakable violence in the community ... have a way to (interact) with doctors and medical students for not only mentorship, but equally, to hopefully get them excited about health and wellness and the health sciences." 

Rushin said even if the kids don’t pursue a medical career, the material is crucial for everyday life.

“Yes, we're learning about medicine and it's so cool, but it's also so very important because it does affect each one of our lives and none of us are exempt from it," Rushin said. 

The Future Healers Kiddos Medical Program started with 25 students. It has since grown into 139 students and has expanded into Nashville. The Future Healers program was chosen for the Kentucky Medical Association's Service Award in 2023.