LOUISVILLE, Ky. — A deadline is quickly approaching for families with students in the Jefferson County Public Schools system looking to have school bus service in the fall.

What You Need To Know

  • Families with students attending Jefferson County Public Schools must submit address changes before July 22

  • JCPS will use information to ensure bus routes for the fall

  • Some families are eligible to receive a stipend if they transport their own children to certain schools

  • JCPS classes begin Aug. 8

Families must report address changes to JCPS before Monday, July 22 to make sure their children have bus stops on the first day of school. JCPS classes start on Aug. 8.

Address changes can be submitted online using the Proof of Address Form or by calling their child’s school.

After July 22, transportation services for the district will begin a “freeze period.” During this time, no additional students will be assigned to buses and bus stops until Aug. 12. JCPS says they hope this will make sure JCPS’ bus routing plan works before adding more bus stops.

Students enrolled in Exceptional Child education with transportation included in their Individual Education Programs and students with McKinney Vento Homeless Act services will have transportation. 

JCPS will offer stipends to some families who are taking their children to and from school this fall. Any family who has been told they won’t have JCPS transportation to magnet, traditional or non-resides Academies of Louisville school but are remaining at the school and using alternative transportation are eligible for the stipend. Stipends are $5 per day for most parent/guardians and $10 per day for parents/guardians whose students qualify for free and reduced lunch. Instructions to sign up for the stipend will be sent to qualified parents/guardians in August.

More details about the stipend program can be found online.

More information on the stipend program can be found on the JCPS 2024-25 School Year web page.  


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