LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Jefferson County Public Schools announced its class of 2024 is expected to graduate 6,937 seniors across its 33 schools, including 1,140 students who completed their high school requirements earlier this year.

What You Need To Know

  • Jefferson County Public Schools announced it expects to graduate 6,937 seniors in the class of 2024

  • JCPS said over 75% are "postsecondary ready"

  • More than half of the graduating class has earned college credit

Of those graduates, JCPS said more than three-quarters are “postsecondary ready” and over half will carry college credit with them as they pick up their diplomas.

JCPS shared some of the other distinctions from the class of 2024. They include: 4,493 students graduating from the Academies of Louisville, 1,544 have earned industry certifications, and 1,404 qualified for Career and Technical Education college credit. In addition, 69 conditional contracts have been given to graduates of the Teaching and Learning pathway. If they graduate from college with an education degree, they are guaranteed a job in JCPS.

Here is a list of the 2024 graduation ceremonies including dates, locations and times.   


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