LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Dreams with Wings aims to enhance the lives of children and adults who live with intellectual or developmental challenges and autism. This year, they launched an art exhibition and performance called “Dreaming of the Wild, Wild West.” 

What You Need To Know

  • Dreams with Wings works with children and adults who live with intellectual or developmental challenges and autism to help them become as independent in the community as possible

  • Dreams with Wings started in June 2000, opening one four-bedroom apartment unit. It now serves over 350 children and adults 

  • This year they launched an art exhibition and performance called "Dreaming of the Wild, Wild West" 

  • The exhibit will remain for the month of May and a whole new exhibit will be displayed next month

Marie Steiner has been in the Dreams with Wings program for 10 years, embracing her abilities through artwork and performance.

“I did with the light. And I traced it all by myself. I then I bought the trace and then I then, I paint it, I got the painting done, and then it came out good. Everybody loves it,” said Steiner.

Steiner says that she loves art, and it relaxes her, too.

“In pottery, I made a dog, a cat, all that stuff and I’m good at it,” said Steiner.

Madilyn Blair is a Starbucks barista who regularly serves Steiner. So when Steiner invited her to the performance, Blair says she had to come to support her.

“It’s so cool seeing her here today and actually seeing stuff that she’s painted and seeing her performance. She really likes to dance at the end, too. She’s good at that, so it’s exciting for me. I’m glad she invited me,” said Blair.

Executive Director and Founder Jenifer Frommeyer says many of their clients haven’t had the opportunity to express their artistic creativity.

“Many of our folks have never had that opportunity in school. Many of their families have never gotten to enjoy some of the same things. Many of us, as parents, do have our children being able to be in a play, do drama, create beautiful art,” said Frommeyer.

Steiner and others are thankful for all the support in their artwork.

“I’m so surprised. Everything is so good,” said Steiner.

The exhibit of Dreaming of the Wild, Wild West will remain for the month of May and a whole new exhibit will be displayed next month. All the Dreams with Wings artwork will be available for sale. The proceeds will go toward art supplies and the artists.