LOUISVILLE, Ky. — A simple act of kindness involving a Louisville school bus driver, and a young student sparked a chain reaction that’s now benefited an entire school. The moral of this story is: kindness is infectious.

What You Need To Know

  • A small act of kindness from a Louisville bus driver went viral, drawing the attention of a New York-based nonprofit

  • Jefferson County Public Schools bus driver Larry Farrish gifted a set of pajamas for a student who didn't have any for his school's "Pajama Friday"

  • The act caught the eye of EJ's PJs, who gifted new pajamas to the entire school

 Back in February, Jefferson County Public Schools bus driver Larry Farrish noticed one of his young riders was not his usual self. 

“He was sad. He was sitting by himself, and he had his hood on his head. As he got on my bus, I asked him what was wrong and he told me he didn’t have pajamas,” Farrish shared. Student Levi Carrier didn’t have pajamas for “Pajama Friday.” Carrier felt left out, but his day would change quickly.

Farrish didn’t waste any time. After he completed his morning route, the bus driver made a beeline to the store, and bought two pairs of pajamas for Carrier and hand delivered them that morning.

“A small thing like that most people overlook. I couldn’t. It set with me,” he said.

The act of kindness made Levi’s day and the heartfelt moment made its way to social media, which promptly went viral. The post found its way to New York-based nonprofit EJ’s PJs, with a mission well-suited for this story.

EJ’s PJs collects and donates new pajamas to young children, especially during the holidays. Patricia Poggi started this pajama program with her three children in 2011.

“Pajamas is something that makes you feel comfortable and gives you a sense of warmth and it makes us forget about all the troubles around you. It’s just a blessing for a child to have their own fresh pair of pajamas,” Poggi said.

When Poggi saw the post she immediately wanted to be involved. “I wound up reaching out to any number I could find to call!” Poggi said.

On Monday, May 20, EJ’s PJ’s gifted new pajamas to the entire school.

“Not just one student but the entire school; 300 students are getting pajamas today,” Farrish said. And it all started with Larry Farrish wanted to make a young student’s day brighter.

“I think Mr. Larry is a nice, nice, kind-hearted guy,” Carrier said.

Toys for Tots also donated to Monday’s giveaway, providing hundreds of games for the students.