LOUISVILLE, Ky. — It’s Cyber Monday and the new Amazon Delivery Station in Louisville ramped up its operations. An Amazon spokesperson said they will have millions of deals this holiday season.

What You Need To Know

  • The new Amazon Delivery Station in Louisville ramped up operations for Cyber Monday

  • An Amazon spokesperson said they will have millions of deals through the holiday season

  • After you click buy the product will leave a fulfillment center, then travel to a sortation center and finally end up in the hands of the 150 people employed at the Louisville Delivery Station

  • Amazon had its biggest ever Black Friday to Cyber Monday holiday shopping weekend in 2022.

One Amazon employee is working hard to bring the holiday magic to Louisville. Amazon delivery station workers in Louisville, like Emily Byers, process tens of thousands of packages daily.

“It’s a lot of fun to be able to actively be a part of people’s Christmases and making their Christmas lists come true,” said Byers. 

Byers worked for Amazon for the last eleven years and she transferred to the Louisville Delivery Station when it opened in August this year. She said today is the busiest day she has seen. 

“So Cyber Monday is one of the best days because there’s so much volume and there’s so many packages to get out and actually, even though we’re really busy, the time goes by really, really fast,” she said.

The mother of two can do it all. She said she’s done everything from packing to inventory control and quality assurance. This Cybe Monday she is picking packages to make sure they get on the right truck.

“So some of the items you can actually see. So it’s fun to see the different items that people are ordering for Christmas,” she said. 

After you click buy, the product will leave a fulfillment center, travel to a sortation center and finally end up in the hands of the 150 people employed at the Louisville Delivery Station.

“We’ve certainly ramped up and we’ve also invested our infrastructure to ensure we’re able to deliver for customers this holiday season. So on top of our fulfillment centers, our sortation centers, our air hub, that’s in northern Kentucky, this new Louisville Delivery Station is going to enable us to deliver those one to two day promises,” said Andre Woodson, spokesperson for Amazon. 

Byers said she loves working at Amazon and will be there for at least another year and a half, but one day, she said, she hopes to be a teacher’s aide.

“Really thinking about going back to school, once my youngest graduates high school,” said Byers. 

An Amazon spokesperson said the deals will last until Christams Eve. 

According to Amazon officials, Amazon had its biggest ever Black Friday to Cyber Monday holiday shopping weekend in 2022. Their third-party sellers achieved record worldwide sales during the holiday season, generating more than a billon dollars in sales in the U.S.