LEXINGTON, Ky. — A departure ceremony for more than 100 Kentucky National Guard Soldiers was held yesterday.

What You Need To Know

  • The departure ceremony took place to recognize more than 100 Kentucky National Guard Soldiers who will be deployed to Southwest Asia

  • They are going to that region for Operation Spartan Shield

  • Families and friends of the soldiers were in attendance to support their loved ones who are leaving

  • Gov. Andy Beshear was also there to bid the soldiers farewell

Soldiers assigned to the 138th Field Artillery Brigade, also known as "Kentucky Thunder," will deploy to Southwest Asia for nine months.

This is in support of Operation Spartan Shield, with the goal of continuing to maintain and build partnerships with American’s regional partners.

Tears were shed as family members and friends of the soldiers had the opportunity to support their loved ones during the ceremony. Gov. Andy Beshear, D-Ky., was also in attendance to give remarks and bid the soldiers farewell.

“Today, you’re stepping up once again to serve this commonwealth and to serve your country in an unstable and difficult and dangerous world,” said Beshear. “You are leaving your loved ones to make sure this United States remains the home of the free because of you, the brave.”

The soldiers will be departing for their mission today and will support the U.S. Army Central Command in a few countries such as Jordan, Syria, and Iraq.