LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS) Superintendent Dr. Marty Pollio has unveiled the district’s new School Choice Plan proposal. This student assignment plan is the first for JCPS in 40 years. 

What You Need To Know

  • Jefferson County Public Schools unveils new school assignment plan

  • The plan offers parents and students choices in where they want to attend and keeps kids close to home

  • If approved the propsal would take effect in the 2023-2024 school year

  • A series of forums are set up to get feedback from the community, parents and students

The proposal gives every student, particularly students living in West Louisville, a choice on what school they want to attend. In a release, JCPS says the plan improves access and opportunities to programs and resources; makes choosing schools easier for families; and ensures magnet schools and programs are “representative of the district’s diversity.”

“For far too long, only one community has borne the responsibility for ensuring diversity in our schools, and that’s predominantly students of West Louisville,” Dr. Pollio said. “It’s time for a change, and we are committed to co-creating a plan with our community that ensures all students have equitable access to high-quality school choice options within JCPS.”

According to JCPS, the new School Choice proposal would help students and parents by aligning school feeders systems so students could stay with their friends all the way through graduation if they want. It would increase access to magnet school. JCPS says this plan also fosters a sense of belonging for students. They hope it also improves parental participation and because schools are close to home, especially in West Louisville, JCPS hopes more students will take part in after-school activities.

Pollio said in a news conference, "We  took a look at our high school students in what we call our choice zone. That satellite area right now that is predominantly West Louisville where kids are leaving the community and it’s not their choice. 1 out of every 2 students is chronically absent. 50%.”

Pollio says at the middle school level, 40% of West Louisville students traveling outside their neighborhoods are chronically absent.

He added, far too often families want their child in a school close to home but are required to attend classes many miles away.

Amanda Averette-Bush is a 1995 PRP graduate and the Executive Administrator of School Choice. 

Bush says having children attend schools closer to home wasn’t for her family.

She said, “Speaking from my own personal experience, I grew up in the choice zone. I did not have an opportunity to attend a school close to home so this actually adds additional choice for families to either attend a school close to home or a school in the suburban area.”

Pollio’s plan would take place for the 2023-2024 school year for children entering kindergarten, sixth and ninth grades. Other students can stay at their current schools if they want.

It has taken almost five years of work by the student assignment committee and others. JCPS wants the community to weigh in on the proposal and ask questions. They are planning several public forums to address the proposal. Two are scheduled now and a virtual forum is also being scheduled. The current forums are:

  • Tuesday, March 22 at 6:30 p.m.: Louisville Urban League & Courier Journal forum at the Norton Healthcare Sports & Learning Center, 3029 W. Muhammad Ali Blvd.
  • Tuesday, March 29, 6:00 p.m.: Jefferson County Board of Education Community Forum at The Academy @ Shawnee Auditorium, 4001 Herman St.

JCPS has set up a new website, and it describes the Choice Zone and answers many questions parents might have. You can access that website here. Parents can also fill out a survey to help assist JCPS.

Approximately 96,000 students attend JCPS.
