LOUISVILLE, Ky. — The official start of Kentucky Derby Festival season is over 230 days away, but now is the time to search for members of the royal court. 

What You Need To Know

  • Applications to become a member of the Kentucky Derby Festival's Royal Court open Sept. 5

  • Kentucky and Southern Indiana college women are encouraged to apply

  • The Royal Court serves as ambassadors during the Kentucky Derby Festival

  • The deadline to apply is Oct. 15

Women from Kentucky or Southern Indiana who are full-time college students and in at least their second year are eligible to apply. Applications will be available Tuesday, Sept. 5 online and must be turned in by Oct. 15.

Applicants must be residents of Kentucky or the Louisville metropolitan area, including Clark, Floyd and Harrison counties in Indiana. Each woman must have a minimum grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. They also must be 18 years old on or before Dec. 31, 2023.

“Naming the Royal Court each year is one of the Derby Festival’s longest-running traditions and begins the countdown to our favorite time of year,” said Matt Gibson, Kentucky Derby Festival President & CEO. “It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to represent the Festival and the community. We’re excited to see who will reign over our 2024 celebration.”

KDF’s Royal Court program recognizes “the state’s most civic-minded and academically achieving college students.” Five women are selected as Derby Festival Princesses to represent KDF, The Fillies, the City of Louisville and the Commonwealth of Kentucky. They serve as ambassadors for the Festival. One woman, with a spin of the wheel, is selected to be the Derby Queen.

“Having the opportunity to serve on the 2023 Royal Court was an absolute honor,” said Mahshad Taheri, Queen of the 2023 Royal Court.

Every woman selected to the court receives two $1,000 scholarships—one from The Fillies, Inc., and the other from the Kentucky Derby Festival Foundation. They also receive sponsor gifts and a complementary wardrobe.