While July is typically the hottest month of the year, it can vary quite a bit from year to year.
Normal highs in July are in the middle to upper 80s while normal lows are in the middle to upper 60s across the Commonwealth. The "normal" high and low temperatures are calculated from the average of a recent 30 year period. The same process applies to precipitation normals tracked at climate sites across the country. We currently use the 30-year period of 1981-2010 to calculate climatological norms.
The Climate Prediction Center puts out a monthly outlook for temperature and precipitation trends for the upcoming month. There are a variety of observations and tools that go into making this prediction, such as current soil moisture levels, current atmospheric and oceanic conditions, worldwide weather patterns and highly technical, long-range computer models.
The current temperature outlook for the month of July points to warmer than normal temperatures across the Commonwealth, especially in eastern Kentucky.
The precipitation outlook for the month of July favors above-normal precipitation across Kentucky, especially across the southern half of the Commonwealth.
Keep in mind that these forecasts consist of the average over the entire month and there will likely be days with below-normal temperatures and areas that receive below-normal rainfall throughout the month of July.