WORCESTER, Mass. - Last year the South girls basketball team made Worcester history by becoming the first public school girls hoop team in the city to make it to a state championship, this year the Colonels want to make even more history by winning the state title.  To that end Head Coach Diago McClain strengthened the competition on the Colonels for the regular season so they would be prepared for a big playoff run.  "We upped our schedule, I also had to teach them how to lose, to compete,"  said McClain, "so we went down to D.C., we actually played I think five or six state championship teams this year so I think being on the road and that type of atmosphere against that type of talent has helped them to prepare and that was my plan."


"Yeah we've had a really tough schedule,"  said Captain, Bryan Bascones, "I have been here four years and this is definitely the toughest schedule I have experienced.  I think it's us conquering adversity, I think we've played big teams, teams that can shoot, teams out of state.  I think it's good for us, it's going to help build our character."


South plays Whitman-Hanson on Wednesday March 12, at 6:30 at Emmanuel College in the Division 2 state semifinals.