MILWAUKEE — Milwaukee School Board members approved a $1.5 billion budget and corrective action plan Thursday night. 

The Milwaukee Public Schools Board of Directors took action to address several issues. They accepted a corrective action plan to get its finances back on track and adopted a budget that caused controversy.

What You Need To Know

  • Milwaukee School Board members approved a $1.5 billion budget and corrective action plan Thursday night

  • The school board eventually passed the budget with a 7-1 vote

  • Director Darryl Jackson was the lone vote against the proposal

  • Director Henry Leonard said he supported passing the budget because it keeps staff employed and they will also have the opportunity to make changes later

Supporters of waiting until June 30 to pass the budget, like Christina Avery, raised concerns over proposed cuts to food and mental health staff.

“We should not be cutting these positions," said Avery. "We should be adding to them so please hold the budget and take another look.”

Milwaukee Teachers Education Association member Elaine Lathen said she supported passing the budget now because it funds education without creating uncertainty.

“The kids should not be and the teachers should not and the securities and everybody else in the building should not pay for somebody else’s mistake," said Lathen.

The school board eventually passed the budget with a 7-1 vote. Director Darryl Jackson was the lone vote against the proposal. He said he couldn’t trust a budget from the former superintendent who resigned.

“I just want to know how we could work better together and have a more transparent relationship with administration because for a long time, it seemed like us against them," said Jackson. "It really did, so I personally want that culture to change.”

Director Henry Leonard said he supported passing the budget because it keeps staff employed and they will also have the opportunity to make changes later.

“We need to look at the real budget before we put our amendments in, and I want to make sure our resolutions with those amendments have some teeth in them," said Leonard.

The school board also went into executive session to discuss the process of appointing interim superintendent. They adjourned without taking action.

The Milwaukee Board of School Directors released the following statement Thursday evening:

The board approved the CAP, which means DPI is in a position to release general funding to MPS on Monday, June 17, per standard schedule.

In the best interest of our students, families, faculty and staff, the board approved the proposed budget.

The proposed budget remains a work in progress and is subject to iteration until the final, adopted budget in October 2024, per the standard, annual finance schedule.

Passing the proposed budget ensures continuation of critical services, such as meal and mental health care programs for students throughout the summer. Additionally, it means teachers and staff will continue to receive payroll checks, and school leaders can plan for the next school year, among other important matters.

Following the first two agenda items, the board moved into closed session for the personnel matter of beginning to select an interim superintendent. The closed session marked the start of a standard process involving discussion and evaluation of candidates.