APPLETON, Wis. — Those without power in the Fox Valley can utilize charging stations available at the Appleton Public Library, Valley Transit, Reid Golf Course and the Scheig Center.

Those stations include chargers for phones, computers and medical devices. 

What You Need To Know

  • The Appleton Public Library has charing stations available for those without power

  • The stations include phone, computer and medical chargers

  • Valley Transit, Reid Golf Course and the Scheig Center also have them available

Amy Furrness, who lives in Sherwood, has been without power since Wednesday morning. She made the Appleton Library her "office" on Thursday.

“I was doing some shopping over here,” said Furrness. "I have to get something submitted for work and the power went out. This is my first time at this site because the Appleton Library has moved around a bit. Love that they have tables. Love that they have outlets, so it’s going pretty good.” 

Many others were taking advantage of the services Thursday, putting computers, free wi-fi and charging stations to good use.

Others without power, such as Juanita Schuelke and her son Sorren, spent time Thursday using the library's kids section. 

“You forget about them as the virtual stuff has taken over,” said Schuelke. “This is a good reminder to get out of the house and play with some other kids and that sort of thing.” 

She’s been without power since Wednesday and said Sorren and his two older brothers have found some fun ways to deal with the outage. 

“They were making hand puppets last night with the flash lights,” said Schuelke. “You make the best of it with the kiddos. They think of it as an adventure but if it goes more than two or three days, I might be sitting back here with all of them this weekend.” 

Schuelke and Furrness are both hopeful their power comes on soon, but in the meantime they’re thankful the library is there for them. 

“I appreciate all of the public libraries and I try to support them as much as I can and I hope others support them as well,” said Schuelke.