WISCONSIN — As the calendar turns to the month of August, the start of the new school year for millions of kids across Wisconsin is now just around the corner. For many, it can be a somewhat stressful proposition.

"The new school year usually brings moves," said Judy Cohen of Lakeside Educational Services. "It can happen at any time — it's a move to a different city, maybe a move to a different area of the city, maybe a move to a different building or grade level."

For those changing schools especially, Cohen said spending time at the school now and even taking time to tour it can be invaluable ahead of the first day of classes.

"If you live near the school, take a walk," Cohen said. "Walk around that school, bike to the school, drive to the school— if you've got little ones going to the school, let them play on the playground. Let them get used to a brand new building in a brand new neighborhood."

Watch the full interview above.