OSHKOSH, Wis. — Madison native Lila Szyryj has been crowned Miss Wisconsin 2023.

Szyryj, 21, competed as Miss South Central and won the title Saturday in Oshkosh. Szyryj was among a field of 25 candidates representing their communities across the state.

She is receiving $12,500 in scholarships and the opportunity to compete for the title of Miss America 2024. She also won preliminary talent and evening wear award honors, earning an additional $750 in scholarships.

For the talent phase of competition, Szyryj performed a classical piano solo, "Revolutionary Etude,” by Chopin.

Szyryj said that as Miss Wisconsin, she aims to teach generations to embrace differences in cultures and recognize misinformation.

“We can break down breaking news to remove misconceptions from unreliable media,” she said.

Szyryj is a 2022 graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and received a degree in journalism and mass communication. Her community service initiative is Breaking Down Breaking News, which works toward educating and interacting with the public on media literacy.

Miss America 2023, Grace Stanke, was in attendance at the event, alongside 25 other former Miss Wisconsins, to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the pageant.

“We are delighted to welcome Lila into the Miss Wisconsin family as we celebrate our 60th year in Oshkosh,” said Brenda Baudo, executive director of the Miss Wisconsin Scholarship Organization. “Her energy and enthusiasm for the organization is apparent and we look forward to her serving as Miss Wisconsin 2023.”

Kevin Schwaller - Digital Media Producer

Kevin Schwaller is a digital producer for Spectrum News 1 Wisconsin. An award-winning journalist, Kevin joined the Spectrum News team in June 2020.