MADISON, Wis. — Several deadlines to remove permanent ice shanties from Wisconsin waters are approaching, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources reminded on Friday.

Permanent shanties refer to those that are not removed daily. Those who have portable shanties can still operate after these dates as long as they remove them when they’re not actively in use or by the end of the day, according to the DNR.

Here are the deadlines for those on inland and boundary waters:

  • Feb. 20: Wisconsin-Iowa boundary waters
  • March 1: Wisconsin–Minnesota boundary waters
  • March 5: Inland waters south of Highway 64
  • March 15: Wisconsin–Michigan boundary waters
  • March 19: Lake Michigan, Green Bay, Lake Superior and inland waters north of Highway 64

The DNR said the deadlines are set so they can ensure shanties are removed, and also avoid costs or hazards from shanties breaking through the ice.

If you’re having difficulty removing yours, the DNR said you should seek help from local fishing clubs, vendors or other fishers.

While you’re removing, it’s important to keep in mind that no ice is 100% safe. The DNR suggests checking local fishing clubs and bait shops for current ice conditions before going out.

You can find a list of ice safety tips here.