MILWAUKEE — The City of Milwaukee on Tuesday continued to come to terms with the latest line of duty death within the Milwaukee Police Department after police say 37-year-old MPD Officer Peter Jerving was shot and killed early Tuesday morning.

"I just thought, 'Here we go again,'" said Andrew Wagner, president of the Milwaukee Police Association. "We had an officer-involved shooting. We had an officer down... and this was almost four years to the day of Officer Matthew Rittner's anniversary."

Rittner was shot and killed while serving a warrant back on Feb. 6, 2019.

Now, following Jerving's death, five Milwaukee police officers have suffered a line of duty death within the past five years.

"This brings to a hard point not only what our officers are dealing with in Milwaukee, but all across the country, especially in major cities," Wagner said. "Our officers every day are facing dangerous suspects."

Watch the full interview above.