WOOD COUNTY, WI (SPECTRUM NEWS) Kids playing with fire can have deadly consequences. Statistics from the National Fire Prevention Association show that of the nearly 50,000 play-fire related fires in the US between 2007 and 2011, more than half were caused by lighters. Now one small town fire chief is making it his mission to address the issue here in the Badger State.

Fire Chief Jerry Minor has worked for nearly a decade to bring about a law regulating the sale of novelty lighters to people under the age of eighteen. Novelty lighters are any lighter that resembles a toy, makes noise, or sound. Chief Minor says that these lighters can often be mistaken for toys or other playthings.

“In the case of a novelty lighter, it looks like a toy, whether or not they can discern whether or not its a toy or a lighter is the first part, but once they discover it is a lighter it becomes another thing that they can play with.” Says Minor

The bill, which has seen bi-partisan support, would ban the sale of novelty lighters to people under eighteen. It would also bar stores from selling the lighters in publically accessible areas.

“The bill really has one primary purpose. Save lives, prevent fires, prevent property damage, all of those are lumped into one thing.” Says Minor

The bill is currently being presented in legislative committees before it can be taken up for a vote.