WORCESTER, Mass. - Playoff hockey is a unique breed all unto itself, hockey fans have known this for years and love this time in the season when it's win or go home, and the intensity gets turned up in every aspect of the game.  For anyone who watched the Four Nations tournament you know what I mean, and it's a big reason why it captured the attention of non-hockey fans, the fact that guys are willing to block shots, take hits, give hits, play hurt, do anything needed for the team is part of the hockey culture and it's a big reason why playoff hockey has no equal in all of sports.  The Holy Cross Men's hockey team is hosting AIC in the 2nd round, best of 3 playoff series at the Hart Center Friday and Saturday at 7pm and if necessary Sunday at 5pm, the Crusaders are ready for the intensity of playoff hockey.  "There's nothing like if you lose you're season's over or your career is over,” said Head Coach Bill Riga, "so that's a whole different level, luckily our Senior's and Juniors have been through that the last couple years, and they've had that experience of what that feels like.  But our young guys are going to get in there and be like whoa it's a little faster it's a little more physical, I don't want the season to be over."

"Totally agree, I couldn't agree more,"  said Captain Matt Shatsky, "I think playing some of those teams in the regular season you have good competition, good battles with them, but the playoffs is a whole different game.  We need to make sure as the leadership group that we stress that to the younger guys."