HICKSVILLE, Ohio — A 2.9 magnitude earthquake was reported at 6:46 a.m. in Defiance County, just outside Hicksville.
There are no known faults in the area.
The Ohio Department of Natural Resource's Ohio Earthquake Epicenters map shows that there have not been any reports of earthquakes in Defiance County before. The nearest quakes on the map appear to be very minor tremors in Henry, Putnam, Paudling and Williams counties. However, none of these exceeded a magnitude of 1.9.
A 2.9 magnitude earthquake, according to the Michigan Technological University, is "often felt, but only causes minor damage." The university estimates about 500,000 earthquakes of a magnitude 2.5-5.4 occur annually. The number of earthquakes below a magnitude of 2.5 are in the millions, they say.
According to the United States Geological Survey, the magnitude of an earthquake refers to its size.
"An earthquake has a single magnitude," reads a post on the USGS website. "The shaking that it causes has many values that vary from place to place based on distance, type of surface material, and other factors."