CINCINNATI, Ohio — The annual school report cards were released by the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce Friday, and Cincinnati Public Schools improved their overall star rating from a two to a 2.5, still falling just short of state performance expectations.

What You Need To Know

  • The annual school report cards were released by the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce

  • Cincinnati Public Schools improved their overall star rating from a two to a 2.5, still falling just short of state performance expectations

  • Schools and districts receive ratings of one to five stars in half-star increments

Schools and districts receive ratings of one to five stars in half-star increments. Ratings are based on five components: achievement, progress, gap closing, early literacy and graduation. Report cards also include student-level proficiency rates based on the State Tests in English language arts, math, science and social studies.

Here's how some districts across the state, including Cincinnati Public Schools, compared.


The state defines the categories as follows:

  • Achievement - This metric uses both the Performance Index and Performance Indicators, the former based on tests' assigned achievement levels and the latter being the percentage of students who scored "proficient or higher on each of Ohio’s State Tests disaggregated by grade level and subject."
  • Progress - This metric looks at student advancement compared to earlier performance, evaluating "the academic progress of students relative to the expected growth on Ohio's State Tests"
  • Gap Closing - This metric looks at "how well schools are meeting the performance expectations for students in English language arts, math, and graduation" as well as some other factors
  • Graduation - This metric looks at the four and five year graduation rates
  • Early Literacy - This metric "measures reading improvement and proficiency for students in kindergarten through third grade"

For more information on these metrics, click here.

In a news release, the district said the data shows "continued growth and recovery" and noted that more than half of their test areas showed growth. 

"Our District’s performance on the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce Report Card reflects significant progress in key accountability areas. I’m encouraged by the notable improvement in several tested areas and Early Literacy,” CPS Interim Superintendent Shauna Murphy said in the release. “These achievements are encouraging, and demonstrate that our focused efforts are yielding results. While we are proud of our gains, we remain committed to our goals, and new focus areas this school year to improve student performance.” 

Here's a look at the district's proficiency rates in various subjects for the district across multiple school years.


“We are encouraged by improvements in Early Literacy, a critical foundation for long-term success and improvement in our Overall rating,” said Eve Bolton, CPS Board of Education president, in the release. “The state report card is one measure of our progress. There is more work to be done, but these results are a step forward in our efforts, and the Board is committed to ensuring high-quality learning and equitable opportunities for every student.”

Here's a look at the College Career Workforce and Military Readiness Percentages for the 2023-2024 for major districts across the state.


For more information or to view the data yourself, click here.

Digital Producer Madison MacArthur contributed to this report.