CLEVELAND, Ohio — Cleveland’s Museum of Art has announced a $25 million challenge gift from the museum board chair Ellen Stirn Mavec via The Kelvin and Eleanor Smith Foundation, according to a press release.

What You Need To Know

  • Cleveland’s Museum of Art has announced a $25 million challenge gift from the museum board chair Ellen Stirn Mavec via The Kelvin and Eleanor Smith Foundation

  • The challenge is meant to “inspire continued philanthropic momentum” and “establish funding for key initiatives in (the museum’s) strategic plan"

  • There's $15 million for the museum’s exhibitions program, $2.5 million for the landscape master plan, $5 million to fund and support curator of decorative arts and $2.5 million for the north lobby renovation and education gallery and lobby

The challenge is meant to “inspire continued philanthropic momentum” and “establish funding for key initiatives in (the museum’s) strategic plan.”

“The Cleveland Museum of Art has always been a source of inspiration for my family, and that sentiment has only grown under Bill Griswold’s leadership,” said Ellen Stirn Mavec, president and chair of The Kelvin and Eleanor Smith Foundation, in the release. “It is our sincere honor to support the CMA’s curators, exhibitions, gardens, and space—and our profound hope that others will be inspired to join us.”

There are four components to the gift, starting with $15 million for the museum’s exhibitions program. The release states that this program is “instrumental in drawing new audiences” in addition to engaging visitors and advancing art history scholarship.

There’s also $2.5 million for the landscape master plan, which the release states supports developments of the grounds and Fine Arts Garden.

There is also $5 million to fund and support curator of decorative arts. The release states that this money will help with exhibitions, research, scholarship and outreach. The Ellen S. and Bruce V. Mavec Curator of Decorative Arts has been named as Ada de Wit, who came to the museum last year.

Finally, there’s also $2.5 million for the north lobby renovation and education gallery and lobby, a donation that was also supported by other donors. The release notes that this will continue to assist in their goal of welcoming 100,000 grade-school students every year.

“This generosity and leadership is at once humbling and inspiring,” said William M. Griswold, director and president of the CMA, in the release. “Support from Ellen and The Kelvin and Eleanor Smith Foundation empowers us to make huge strides toward realizing some of the most important and ambitious goals of our strategic plan and creates a wave of momentum for our philanthropic endeavors.”