BOSTON, Mass. - Wachusett Regional high school grad Colin Bennie will run his second Boston Marathon on Monday and this time he’ll be among the favorites to win.. 

The Princeton native placed seventh overall in his first Boston Marathon last year and was the top American finisher.

Bennie ran track and cross-country in high school and in college at Syracuse. 

He said he’s looking forward to running again on Monday. And while he would love to do even better than last year, he’s just happy to be there. 

“Obviously it’s hard to do, and it’s hard to do each and every time you go out there,” Bennie said. “But I think the last few months of training and where my mind is at, I’m feeling really good and excited to give it as good as a shot as I can to do better than I did last year.”

Bennie is partnering with the Play Ball Foundation this year. The nonprofit is focused on expanding sports for Boston, Lawrence, and Holyoke middle schoolers.