WORCESTER, Mass. - The United Way of Central Massachusetts announced the 14 programs and agencies chosen as its Community Challenge winners. More than $1 million will be divided between the organizations.

The Community Challenge was made possible by a gift from philanthropist MacKenzie Scott in 2020. The United Way requested 90 second video submissions to address the issues of diversity, equity and inclusion, early education and/or poverty. Almost 100 videos were submitted, and 14 programs and agencies were chosen, including the Worcester Community Action Council (WCAC).

WCAC executive director Marybeth Campbell says the funds will go towards hiring a Cliff Effect Navigator to provide coaching to people who may be more likely to turn down getting a promotion or a pay increase so they don't lose benefits like a housing voucher or SNAP.

"We think by bringing a coach on we can, one, help individuals understand the beneift lanscape a navigate that a little bit more," Campbell said. "Anticipate and plan for some of these hurdles and also address some of the gaps that might be created with the loss of benefits if they do continue on their career latter path, take a promotion or get a wage increase which ultimately in the long run we think is a much better return for that individual."

Campbell says they hope to hire the coach in early 2022.

Other winners included: American Antiquarian Society; Crocodile River Music; Family Services of Central Massachusetts; Latino Education Institute at Worcester State University - Readers' Theatre; Muslim Community Link: Black Seed Farmers Market; OurStory Edutainment; Regional Environmental Council; Saint John's High School; Technocopia; The Community Builders (TCB); Urban Parks Education Program; and Yes credit is everything.