MASS. - By the beginning of April, almost all bears in Central Massachusetts are out of hibernation. Natural food sources are low this time of year, so bears go looking for a meal in backyards and residential neighborhoods. 

"It is an important time of year for people to take the message seriously to clean up the food sources so bears aren't being attracted to our yards," said Dave Wattles, a black bear and furbearer at Massachusetts Wildlife. 

Wattles says bird feeders are the number one thing attracting bears to yards.

"A bear isn't in the back feeding on bird feeder because it's a bad bear. That's a bear taking advantage of an easy meal source and every bear is going to do that," said Wattles.

He said the responsibility is on the public to take down any bird feeders. Bee hives and chicken coops should also be properly secured in the springtime.  Wattles recommends owners install an electric fence. He said it is the only thing that works at keeping the bears from destroying hives and chicken coops. 

The more food a bear finds in a yard, the more the bear will look for it. 

"Bears are smart. They learn that bird feeders are a reliable source of food and they can go yard to yard and feed at them. It is much easier to eat at a bird feeder than find food at the woods," said Wattles. 

If you ever find yourself face to face with this animal, Wattle said to stay calm.

"Black bears aren't inherently aggressive towards people. It is important to remember it is a powerful animal and to give it space. Talk to it in a calm, assertive voice and say 'Hey bear, I am over here' and slowly back away," said Wattles.

He said the bear population in Central Massachusetts is growing at a fast pace because more female bears have established themselves in the area. ​