April is known for being a busy weather period. It is a transition period that includes multiple modes of fluctuating weather patterns involving jet streams and temperature changes.

The combinations of these weather conditions can lead to dramatic storms capable of producing severe weather, including tornadoes. Here is a breakdown of tornado occurrences across the Commonwealth for April.

What You Need To Know

  • April is an active weather month

  • Tornadoes focus westward

  • The frequency of tornadoes is low

When analyzing the commonality of tornadoes across Kentucky, we can note that the eastern region seldomly experiences tornadoes during this time.

However, western Kentucky has a slightly higher potential for tornadoes, especially the extreme western counties.

Western central Kentucky sees a periodic amount of tornadoes as well.

April averages five tornadoes for the entire state, which is relatively low, but it is important to understand where they are most likely to impact the state.

As spring continues, we will see other opportunities for tornadoes to happen. Review your severe weather plan on non-threatening weather days so you can remain prepared.