WINCHESTER, Ky. — A recently enacted law gives more freedom to craft distillers in Kentucky. Senate Bill 50 allows craft distillers to self-distribute up to 5,000 gallons of product a year.

What You Need To Know

  • Senate Bill 50 allows distillers to self-distribute up to 5,000 gallons of product a year 

  • Regeneration Distillery in Winchester was one of the first to deliver its products on July 15 

  • The distillery makes moonshine and other whiskeys, and is excited to share their products with more Kentuckians

It’s not a far drive from Regeneration Distilling to Bill’s Liquor in Winchester, but it was a milestone one for Ben Pasley.

“It was so cool to strap it down with the first four cases and then drive about four or five miles down to Bill’s Liquor over on 627 here in Winchester,” Pasley said.

Prior to July 15, the drive wouldn’t have been legal. Distillers would have to get their products into stores and bars with distributors. For smaller distilleries, it was a battle with the big names of bourbon.

“We’re not going to do the major volumes of the big Class A guys; the Maker’s, and the Buffalo Traces of the world, but we are making hyper unique, hyper Kentucky craft spirits,” Pasley said.

This past session, lawmakers changed the state liquor laws. Now, distillers are allowed to disperse up to 5,000 gallons of their products themselves.

“Now we’re able to have our own sales force that goes out and develops relationships with different retailers and really get our spirits out further without being an inconvenience to a distributor,” Pasley said.

Regeneration Distilling was founded in 2016. They make moonshine and various whiskeys. Pasley hopes this is the beginning of big things for the company.

“5,000 gallons when you break it down into little 750ML bottles, that’s a lot of bottles there. Once you’re able to be at that level of volume, then you can springboard into working with a distributor or going to other states,” Pasley said.

Pasley said moonshine is also a part of Kentucky culture, and this allows them to share it with more Kentuckians.

Senate Bill 50 was passed in a bipartisan matter and was signed by the governor.