LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Kentucky’s long stretch of excessive heat possesses even greater risks for the state’s homeless population. For organizations serving these vulnerable residents, it’s meant extra effort in keeping them safe during the hot summer months.

What You Need To Know

  • Good Samaritan Patrol brings food, water, more to homeless residents
  • Wayside Christian Mission orchestrates Good Samaritan Patrol
  • The Safer Kentucky Act is in effect and so is Louisville's camping ban 
  • Food, clothing donations always welcomed

Louisville’s downtown library is usually the first stop of the day for Aaron Jones and Nadine Terrell. Their outreach is called Good Samaritan Patrol, deployed from Wayside Christian Mission. Jones and Terrell pull up every day to the library in a familiar blue van. In fact, the duo will come to the library three or more times every day as they make their rounds. They bring food, water, clothing and a message. There’s even more help available when they are ready.

“One of the first things that made me get to it, years ago I seen one guy had died on the street from freezing to death and I wanted to do whatever I can to help these people get off the streets,” Jones told Spectrum News.

Jones has been in recovery for nine years and on Wayside staff for eight.

“You’ll need some water,” Jones said to a man receiving a sandwich and chips.

He and Terrell are familiar faces to the homeless community and on the front lines of building trust between houseless residents and the organizations that pledge to support them. More trust leads to greater results.

Terrell just returned to the Samaritan Patrol after recovering from hip replacement and being away for several weeks.

“We learn on our 12th step that we come back and we give the message to those who are still sick and suffering that’s out here. So giving back, I get a joy out of it,” Terrell said.

The Good Samaritan Patrol will make as many as 10 stops around the city, all in a day, and do it all again tomorrow.

The Good Samaritan Patrol is always in need of donations. Food, water, shoes and clothing donations are always welcomed at their donation center at 432 East Jefferson Street.