LOUISVILLE, Ky. — A $44 million project is paving the way for Parkland, Fern Creek and Portland branches of the Louisville Free Public Library to be restored and expanded. 

What You Need To Know

  • A massive project is  underway that will ultimately expand Louisville’s Free Public Library system by restoring and expanding Parkland, Fern Creek and Portland libraries

  • The total cost for these libraires is $44 million. The city was able to raise $36 million in public dollars. leaving a gap of about $8 million. The Library Foundation raised $5 million

  • These new library additions will result in 19 total branches throughout Louisville

  • Both Parkland and Portland libraries will be completed by the end of next summer. The Fern Creek library is in the design phase but expected to be open midyear of 2026

Luke Chase says he has raised his family in the Portland community and took advantage of every opportunity the library offered.

“They’ve come here a lot to get books to be a part of the summer reading programs, just to have that access,” said Chase.

Chase believes that it is critical for communities to have functioning libraries.

“For families and kids and adults even, you know, you can go there and get help with resumes or apply to jobs. You can get access to printers, obviously books. and so supporting places where you can go and read is critical to our community,” said Chase.

Director of the Louisville Free Public Library Lee Burchfield says these neighborhoods will have libraries like they have never had before. 

“Whenever there’s a challenge to a community, having an institution like a library in that community really builds the kind of strength of character in a neighborhood that helps them weather challenges like that,” said Burchfield.

The total cost for these libraries is $44 million. The city was able to raise $36 million in public dollars, leaving a gap of about $8 million. The Library Foundation raised $5 million.

The Library Foundation Executive Director Chandra Gordon says this is a chance for the community to partner with local, state and federal government to invest in the city’s infrastructure and libraries. 

“We had a community partner that stepped up, the James Graham Brown Foundation, who said, ‘We know you’re at your last $3 million. We want to come in with a challenge grant of 1.5. We will match dollar for dollar every donation to help you raise for that last $3 million,” said Gordon.

Chase has seen the pictures online and says the finished product is going to be amazing.

“It’s exciting for Portland residents, and people, neighboring residents, that they can come in and just have access to this and take advantage of it. It’s a great asset to our community,” said Chase.

Both Parkland and Portland libraries will be completed by the end of next summer. The Fern Creek library is in the design phase but expected to be open midyear of 2026. These new library additions will result in 19 total branches throughout Louisville. 

To learn more about the Library Foundation's fundraising campaign, visit their website.