LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Nonprofits in Louisville have just a few more weeks to sign up for the annual “Give for Good” campaign. The online day of giving is celebrating 11 years of helping others this September.

What You Need To Know

  • Give for Good Louisville is an online giving day           

  • More than 160,000 donors have invested over $60 million in nonprofit organizations

  • Elder Serve is one of the nonprofits helped by Give for Good

For over 60 years, Elder Serve has been serving the community as a senior center with free programs, meals, and more. But during the COVID pandemic, it was forced to close.

“So we actually closed down, and the community came out and really rallied around, not just Elder Serve, but really the idea I’ll be able to serve and that is supporting our seniors,” said Timothy Findley Jr. of Elder Serve.

Findley, Elder Serve’s CEO, said the center got involved with the Give For Good campaign, sponsored by The Community Foundation of Louisville because the organization still needed help.

“We still need support. And that’s why I give for good. There are certain organizations that Give for Good comes around, and it’s something that you put on there. You check and say,okay, hopefully can raise a little money and but then other organizations like to serve. We depend on it.” said Findley.

Lead coordinator Christina Miller says Give for Good Louisville is the biggest online giving day, sparking a movement of generosity in the community for nonprofits every September.                           

“It is a way to sustain our nonprofit community. Our nonprofits are the backbone of our community. They are the ones out there every single day, impacting thousands of lives across Kentuckian by providing essential resources as well as preventative care, such as after school programs and medical needs and all of it,” said Miller.

Miller says they have over 500 local organizations that take part ranging from schools, religious entities, governmental units, and more.  

“Last year, we raised nearly $10 million for local organizations. And actually, since its inception in 2014, our community has invested over $60 million back into local nonprofits across Kentucky and Southern Indiana,” said Miller.

Both Miller and Findley say there is power in coming together, pulling resources, and even making small donations creates a massive impact.

“Here’s the thing. Every little bit helps. You know, if you if you say, hey, you know, all I can give you is ten bucks, that’s going to help someone,” said Findley

As the community comes together once again to support some of the most vital organizations. Nonprofits can sign up to register for Give for Good Louisville from now until July 9.