COVINGTON, Ky. — The Learning Grove Center is using a $125,000 grant to help children enjoy the outdoors.

What You Need To Know

  • The PNC Grow Up Great grant helps prepare children from birth to age five for success in school and life

  • The $125,000 grant given to Learning Grove with be used to build a new nature-based LearningScape playground

  • Playgrounds can play an important role in challenging children’s balance, agility and coordination skills

  • Construction is set to begin in a few weeks, with an expected completion time of 12-18 months

For children, playgrounds are a haven, allowing them to explore, make friends and exercise.

Learning Grove CEO, Shannon Starkey-Taylor says a remodeling for one of the facility’s older playgrounds is vital for the success of the children.

Starkey-Taylor said, “We know how important it is to get fresh air, to cooperate with your peers and actually get that physical health and get that energy out for all children.”

The new nature-based playground will include a digging pit, tricycle path, log climbing, as well as entry directly from classrooms.

According to The National Institutes of Health, playgrounds can play an important role in challenging children’s balance, agility and coordination skills.

Starkey-Taylor said, "There’s also a water terrace continues on here, and there’s a gathering area over here. We think it’s important for children to get together in small groups. It promotes cooperation and things that are really needed for later on in life.”

She isn’t the only person excited about the development of the park. Mother of two, Tess Brown, says access to parks and nature is important.

Brown said, "You know, we lived in an apartment before this. We didn’t have a yard. We didn’t have green space. So, giving them access to green space where they can fully immerse themselves in learning and play, through what brings them joy. I just think it’s just tremendously exciting."

While the children are still finding ways to enjoy their recess time, in the coming months they’ll have a new place where they can learn and play.

Construction on the play area will begin soon. It is expected to be completed in 12 to 18 months.