LOUISVILLE, Ky. — According to research from ZenBusiness which was pubished on businesswire.com, 75% of Gen Z aim to launch into the entrepreneurship industry. Stitch by stich Abigail Meldrum taught herself how to crochet as something to do as a hobby.

What You Need To Know

  • 75% of Gen Z aims to start a business

  • Abigail Meldrum taught herself how to crochet

  • In 2020, she turned her hobby into an online business
  • A percentage of every sale from Abigail's Crochet Crafts is donated to the Coalition for the Homeless

“I watched a lot of YouTube videos for left-handed people and then I opened it in late 2020. And basically, I sell products that I crochet, which are like these jellyfish hats, all kind of things,” said Meldrum.

Her hobby turned into a business, Abigail’s Crochet Crafts. Her first custom order was from her math teacher. Abigail says crocheting allows her to unravel creativity that someone can cherish for a lifetime. Every weave and knot is made with passion as crochet can’t be machine made.

“Something like super meaningful because every stitch is like the amount of time I worked to make it,” said Meldrum.

Meldrum is a member of Louisville Girls Leadership, an organization made up of high school girls from across Jefferson County. Executive director Carmellia Jackson-Hurley says this is what they are all about, having these girls lean into their passions and just give them the support that they need to build a legacy as a leader.

“A really true testament to the girls that their voices matter and that they can pursue their dreams as early as tomorrow if they wanted to. So I think Abigail is just setting a good track record. Just show that you can really do whatever and whatever time that you want,” said Jackson-Hurley.

Meldrum believes her business will go far and even go with her to college in Massachusetts next year.

“It’s just like find the time in your life to create something that brings you joy, even if it’s not always going to be like bringing in money or whatever,” said Meldrum.

Abigail hopes other people her age pursue entrepreneurship. Currently, a percentage of every sale from Abigail’s Crochet Crafts is donated to the Coalition for the Homeless.