BURLINGTON, Ky. — The Boone County Sheriff's Office has experienced growth in more ways than one, and this time, it's with a baby boom.

What You Need To Know

  • In the last two years, the Boone County Sheriff's Office deputies have welcomed 20 babies 

  • Jordan Hull, wife of Deputy Chris Hull, worked with the Boone County Sheriff’s Auxiliary organization to organize a group photo

  • The Sheriff's Office shared a photo of 15 deputies and their babies

  • The image went viral on Facebook

Sheriff’s deputy Chris Hull, and his wife, Jordan, have worked as a team to raise two daughters: a 5-year-old and an 11-month-old.

"(Elliott) will be one on May 25th," Jordan said as she played with her baby. "She's so active and busy." 

Chris has been an officer for a decade, and while he has a busy schedule, he said his No. 1 priority is his daughters.

"Everyone is treated as family; that comes first," he said. "Believe it or not, there's a lot of flexibility when you're trying to be (a) dad. Good fathers (and) good mothers make good officers.”

Jordan is part of the Boone County Sheriff’s Auxiliary organization, supporting the men and women of the Boone County Sheriff’s Office. She said when ordering gifts, she realized the group had welcomed more than a dozen babies in the last couple of years.

"The fact that we had 20 babies in two years and five already this year ... our agency is booming, and we're so proud of them," she said. 

From there, Jordan worked with the auxiliary group and the sheriff’s office to coordinate a group photo with the deputies and their babies. However, they never expected it to go viral.

She was in awe as she read comments reading some of her favorites and shooting out photographer Kyla Mae. Now, with more than 3,000 likes and 200 shares and comments, spokesperson Lt. Philip Ridgell said it has brought positive attention to the office.

“We love celebrating our personnel here," Ridgell said. "The auxiliary did an outstanding job of really highlighting and creating a moment that I don't think anyone here will soon forget.”

Of the 20 babies, 15 were in the photo. Two more babies will be born before the end of the year.

“We'll do it every year with the officers, and I hope it goes viral again," Jordan said as she and Chris took Elliott on a walk.