LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Churchill Park School has never had its own library until now.

What You Need To Know

  • Churchill Park School in Louisville serves students living with physical and cognitive disabilities 

  • Nearly 90 students attend Churchill Park, ranging in age from 3 to 21 years old

  • Principal Krissy Lee has been on a mission to open the school's first library since she came to the school

  • The library is uniquely suited for the students, with lots of sensory elements in the books

It’s been a mission for Principal Krissy Lee since she arrived at Churchill Park. “And I thought if every other school has a library, we should have a library too,” Lee explained.

Lee knew a library for Churchill Park must be uniquely suited for her students. Churchill Park, part of Jefferson County Public Schools, teaches students living cognitive and physical disabilities. Students range in age from three to 21 years old.

A Churchill Park teacher reads to a student (Spectrum News 1/Jonathon Gregg)

Books in this library have more than words and pictures.

“This is one of our sensory books for the kids. They can feel, there are different things they can touch throughout the book,” Librarian Kelly Caso explained. Caso says many of the books have sensory elements, pages to feel and sounds to hear. There are even corresponding accessories and toys to help tell each story.

Caso has been an educator for 20 years and now she is the first librarian ever at Churchill Park School.

“I am thrilled. This has kind of been a dream job and I couldn’t believe it when I was hired. But when I got the job offer, I was so excited. As far as I can tell, I’ve never seen any library like this,” she shared.

Fifteen-year-old Andre Sheckles was so excited he couldn’t pick just one book, but that’s okay; there’s an entire library available to him.

Many of the books feature classic stories from grade school. Some are told with words and others through illustrated storyboards with accompanying text for a teacher or parent to read aloud. “Lots of books, too many to count...” Lee said. “Today is the grand opening and ribbon cutting for our brand new library.”