LOUISVILLE, Ky. — The goal for Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS) is no more snow days.

What You Need To Know

  • JCPS wants to utilize Non-Traditional Instruction on days when severe weather is forecast

  • The District sent families a letter detailing the plan

  • JCPS says NTI will keep students engaged and avoid extending the school year

  • The NTI plan could go into effect as early as next week

When snow and ice cover the ground or any other severe weather is forecast, and students are at home, JCPS says they will do school work. JCPS plans to use Non-Traditional Instruction (NTI) when possible this year rather than canceling school for the day. The JCPS announcement comes a week after Fayette County Public Schools announced a similar plan. NTI was used heavily during the COVID-19 pandemic.

JCPS sent families an email Thursday, Jan. 11 explaining the decision to not have typical snow days, delays or early dismissals, except in rare circumstances. The District says the goal is to keep students engaged and learning at home while avoiding the need for make-up days which would extend the school year.

The NTI plan could be put into practice as early as next week (Jan. 16-19) based on the forecast being predicted for the Louisville area.

JCPS says students will bring home materials, a computer, a charger or both to prepare for the possibility of NTI. Monday, Jan. 15 is Martin Luther King, Jr’s birthday, and a recognized holiday.

If in-person classes are canceled and JCPS implements NTI, JCPS will notify parents by email and text, area news outlets, the District’s social media pages and the District’s website. Weather-related decisions and announcements are generally made by 5 a.m. on school days.

If NTI is needed, schools will send out their specific NTI plan using their digital communication platform. JCPS says short-term NTI means students will need to complete assignments on their own, they will not receive online instruction from a teacher. During NTI, all before and after-school activities, including sports and club meetings, are canceled.