LOUISVILLE, Ky. — UofL Health doctors and medical students were recently featured in a national publication for their work with the Future Healers Program. 

What You Need To Know

  • The American Surgeon published a study of the Future Healers Program's work, a partnership between UofL Health doctors and medical students

  • The initiative was designed to create relationships with children affected by gun violence 

  • Children and their caregivers with significant exposure to gun violence had a positive perception of the health care community, the study found 

  • More than 100 children have been introduced to the program so far, according to UofL Health

The American Surgeon published a study of the program's work, which aims to build relationships with children impacted by gun violence. The study surveyed 92 children and 64 caregivers participating in the program, finding children and their caregivers with significant exposure to gun violence had a positive overall perception of the health care community.

Students in the UofL Student National Medical Association (SNMA) helped form the Future Healers Program in 2020, along with UofL Health Trauma Surgeons and Christopher 2X Game Changers. The program's goal is to help Louisville children affected by violence to navigate trauma and inspire them to have a better future by introducing them to opportunities in the medical field.

More than 100 children have been introduced to the program so far through the partnership, according to UofL Health. Its success also inspired Vanderbilt University Medical Center to create a similar initiative in 2023.