LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Next week, the Louisville Metro Air Pollution Control District is hosting a virtual free workshop called “State of the Air.”

What You Need To Know

  • Louisville Metro Air Pollution Control District is hosting a virtual free workshop to recap Louisville's air quality in 2023

  • These air quality workshops started in 2018

  • Poor air quality can affect those who have asthma, lung disease, heart disease, as well as children and the elderly 

“Air quality impacts all of us, whether it’s, you know, waking up and stepping outside and smelling something that kind of annoys you to someone with asthma or COPD or another preexisting health condition, worrying when they see an air quality alert that’s issued, you know, on a sunny summer day,” said Matt Mudd, communications coordinator for Louisville Metro Air Pollution Control District.

Mudd says they hosted three other workshops, and this fourth one will summarize Louisville’s air quality in 2023.

“Some of the subjects that will be covered include our work in 2023, some of our priorities, some of the things like the air quality index, Louisville's status with national air quality standards, things like odors and some of those impacts we saw last summer throughout the country from some of those Canadian wildfires, forest fires, smoke impacts, things like that,” explained Mudd.

Mudd says they strive to make air quality subjects, resources and education more accessible to the public, like a real-time air quality index map.

“We wanted to offer an accessible casual opportunity for them to hear a presentation from our staff on how we view air quality in 2023 and to give them an inside look at our work and an opportunity to interact with our staff,” said Mudd.

But most of all, to give the public what they have been wanting — better interaction with their local government.

“We really like this opportunity to interact with the public, talk to them about subjects that are important to them, our work that is important to them and hopefully gain feedback so that we can make this an even more useful event in the future,” shared Mudd.

Mudd hopes folks come with questions and will listen to how Louisville Metro Air Pollution Control District is trying to help improve air quality. The virtual event will be held on Jan. 9 at 6 p.m. and you can register for the State of the Air workshop online.