LEXINGTON, Ky. — Stores are recovering from the rush of holiday shoppers they see from Black Friday through Christmas Eve. For many, the holidays are the time of year when most foot traffic comes through the door as people seek the right gifts.

What You Need To Know

  • sQecial Media has been open since 1977, and operators said December is always the busiest time of year 

  • Manager Morgan Adams said it was a better holiday season for sales than last year 

  • The Album has been open since 2005, and owner Sami Ibrahim said vinyl records and record players are becoming popular gifts

  • sQecial Media and The Album are in the same building 

sQecial Media in Lexington sells books, puzzles and other odds and ends. It’s a locally owned business that first opened its doors in 1977 and has been at its current location near the University of Kentucky (UK) since 1980. Manager Morgan Adams said it's become a favorite for Christmas shoppers looking to check off their list.

“A lot of people come in and tell us we’re one of the best spots for last-minute gifts because we do carry a bit of everything here," Adams said.

Adams, a daughter of the owners, said she grew up in the store. December has always been the best month for business, she added.

“The months leading up to December are full of lots of ordering merchandise and getting ready for the rush that we know will be on the way," she said. "It’s a huge part of our year." 

From longtime customers to new faces, Adams said the 2023 holiday shopping season was one of the best since the pandemic subsided.

“We weren’t really expecting that, but things were great this year," she said.

Down below, in the same building, Sami Ibrahim owns and operates The Album. He said vinyl albums and record players have recently become a must-have item as Christmas gifts, especially since they're easy to collect and some copies may be harder to find than others. 

Ibrahim started the store because his collection of albums and love of music. He said the rush of holiday shoppers takes place between Black Friday and Christmas. It’s a time the store prepares for by having hot new artists in stock.

“We invest a lot in product, so it’s really important to see the locals and people spending small businesses in town because it keeps us going," Ibrahim said. "We couldn’t do it without them." 

Both store operators said many holiday shoppers become regulars they see throughout the year.