BOWLING GREEN, Ky. — Western Kentucky University hosted a welcome event to give students an exciting start to the semester.

What You Need To Know

  • WKU's fall semester began this week, and the university hosted a welcome event to help students learn about opportunities on or near campus

  • Vendors and organization had lots of college necessities on had to give out to students, as well as prizes and games

  • WKU will have smaller welcome events throughout the remainder of the week

The event is known as “Welcome Back WKU” and serves as a way for students to come out of their shell by getting to know people and help students figure out what resides nearby campus.

The welcome festival also serves as an opportunity for businesses to find their target audience, as well as provide necessities for the incoming students.

“We have some tide, we have some snack options, some ramen noodles, because what college student does not thrive off of ramen noodles? And we’ve got some toilet paper,” said Kali Hampton, the disabilities and health manager at Community Action of Sourthern Kentucky.

Others, like Stacey Beason, the pastor of Trinity Full Gospel Baptist Church, were making fried Oreos in the scorching hot sun.

“We take the Oreos, put them into the batter, then we fully coat it, put them in the hot oil, keep them in there until they turn gold and brown,” Beason said. “Then let them drain, sprinkle some powdered sugar, and they’re pretty much ready to go!”

Some businesses even brought life-sized board games to swirl up some education and entertainment. 

Hollie Sexton Foy, the financial wellness director at Abound Credit Union, took this opportunity to create an entire life-sized board game to make sure students spend wisely while in college.

“We roll the dice, then answer a question related to a financial wellness topic,” Sexton Foy said. “And if we get it correct, then we get to advance forward and do what the squares say.”

Other companies such as Two Men and a Truck also had spin-the-wheel games, where students could win small prizes.

“It makes our campus not look dry,” sophomore Kyle Roberts said. “Because they got little games going on, so you can compete with your friends or meet somebody you see from class and be like ‘What’re you doing here?’ Ya know, get to know them and easily make friends.” 

WKU will continue to have smaller events throughout the week to help students adjust to the college.