LEXINGTON, Ky. — Self-employed people in the U.S. are more likely to be highly satisfied with their jobs than people who are not self-employed, according to a recent Pew Research Center survey.

What You Need To Know

  • 62% of self-employed workers "are extremely or very satisfied with their job," according to the Pew Research Center

  • Brianna May started her jewelry business, Mama Strong Water, in 2015 and enjoys having creative freedom with it

  • Along with running the business, she works full-time for Tiffany and Co., a job that she also enjoys having

  • May feels that she has personal freedom with having her own business to prioritize her family and her own needs

Brianna May makes jewelry for both her own business, Mama Strong Water, and her full-time job with Tiffany and Co.

“Add that on top of what I already do is such a blessing,” said May. “It’s really, a really good opportunity.”

While May likes her job with Tiffany and Co., she also acknowledges that there are benefits to self-employment. She gets to make her own hours and can attend her children’s school functions. She feels that there is an overall sense of personal freedom.

“The main difference is creativity,” said May. “Here I can make whatever I want, whenever I want. There, there’s a set of rules that we follow.”

May’s satisfaction with running her business is not an uncommon feeling among self-employed Americans. 62% of self-employed workers “are extremely or very satisfied with their job, compared with 51% of those who are not self-employed,” according to the Pew Research Center.

“I love my small business, I love it so much,” said May. “I would rather put my own creations out in the world than someone else’s.”

May mostly sends her work to small businesses in Lexington, Danville and Georgetown to be sold. She also attends events where she sets up a table to sell her jewelry and has an Etsy shop.