LEXINGTON, Ky. — The Lexington Fire Department welcomed its newest firefighters to the ranks with its latest graduating class on Friday.

What You Need To Know

  • 34 graduates from Lexington Fire Department’s Recruit Class 71 were sworn in Friday

  • Training lasts six months, or around 800 hours 

  • Firefighters get their state certifications and their basic EMT certifications as well 

  • Applicants must be at least 19 years old, pass a background check and pass a physical exam

Thirty-four new firefighters have been sworn in and are ready to protect and rescue Lexingtonians in need at a moment’s notice.

In front of family and friends, the 34 recruits in Class 71 officially joined the department at a graduation ceremony held at Lexington City Church.

“It’s a little bit of relief, but anxiousness too. Super excited,” said newly sworn in firefighter Caleb Clements.

Friday was the culmination of six months of training. Clements will now serve the community he grew up in for nearly his whole life.

“I wanted to do something that I was actually proud to say I did, I wanted to be able to help people,” Clements said.

Each firefighter took their oath of office and was pinned with their badge by Fire Chief Jason Wells. Some were pinned by family members that are firefighters or retired from a fire department.

Major Derek Roberts said Friday’s celebration was just as much for the graduates as it was for their families.

“They’re in the family now, so they’re getting welcomed into the family and their family is in the family,” Roberts said.

These ceremonies take place once a year, celebrating countless hours away from families to go from the title of recruit to probationary firefighter.

“They’re going to get their firefighter 1 and 2, they’re going to get their hazmat awareness in operations, they’re going to get EMT basic,” Roberts explained. “They’re going to get all of that information; it’s over 400 hours of training for state certification, but all in all they’ll get well over 800 hours of training.”

Roberts said the fire department is always recruiting and looking for new firefighters as the next recruits begin training on Oct. 9.

“It is a cycle that just keeps on repeating itself and yes, it’s always a struggle because you want to find the absolute best people,” Roberts said.

For those latest graduates like Clements, they’re ready to answer that call anytime they’re needed.

“My first grab or my first run where I’m truly hands-on, helping somebody, them being able to look at me and just say, ‘thank you,’ and knowing that’s just me doing my job, that’s pretty cool,” Clements said with delight.

Applicants to the fire department must be at least 19 years old. Those interested in being a Lexington firefighter must also pass a background check, be in good physical health and pass a drug test.